Our Services
For Individuals
Comprehensive AAC Evaluations
Speech and Language Therapy
Consultation and training for individuals, families, and communication partners
Support for families to acquire an AAC device via medical insurance
Gestalt language therapy
For Schools
Comprehensive AAC evaluations
Student specific AAC consultative support services
Individualized training and support for students, teachers, SLPs, and families
IEP and goal writing, advocacy, and support
District and school-wide professional development, staff inservice, and continuing education
AAC device set up and customization
Serving all 50 states
Communication partner coaching (SLPs, siblings, family members, related service providers, etc.)
IEP advocacy and goal writing support
Public awareness presentations
Question and answer sessions regarding AAC
Strategies for increasing communication opportunities
Problem solving/brainstorming
Augmentative Alternative Communication support
Skilled expertise in a variety of assistive technology communications systems including Unity, LAMP Words For Life, Proloquo2go, NovaChat, Dynavox, and more
Knowledge and experience with complex communication needs including sensory and physical needs, related to autism, cerebral palsy, and learning disabilities among others
Multi-disciplinary approach to identify optimal access to communication including direct selection, eye-gaze, switch access, and more
On-site and/or teletherapy services available
Speech and Language Therapy
Gestalt Language Therapy (for individuals who use scripting and repetition of words and phrases to communicate). Our therapists are members of the NLA (Natural Language Acquisition) trained clinician registry with advanced knowledge of Gestalt Language Processing and AAC
Individualized therapy approach